Niall drinks from his flask in Sweden

Walking Sweden's Kungsleden
At the summit of Sweden, Keibnekaise 2114m
descending from summit

Descent (not decent) lunch in log cabin

where's wabbit

Returning to Kiruna, where Niall is a God

The end of our Kungsleden


Niall in Stockholm
Niall rediscovers urbania

Niall is defensive and paranoid and approached carefully

Niall is sent flying

Airport Window

Michael Reardon, Dalkey

Newton, Willaim Blake

New Zealand


Bouldering Research, Wicklow

IMC Hut, Wicklow
Sally Gap
For whom the Bell Tolls, Wicklow

Little Landslide, Wicklow
River Crossing by Big Jim, by Night

New Rock, Wicklow

Extrapolations, Glendaloch

Three Rock, Dublin
Litter, Wicklow
Arran Is Land, Atlantic Ocean